Technical Opinions for Pre-Claims Research

Technical Opinions for Pre-Claims Research

This technical opinion is a qualified declaration elaborated by a company or certified professional qualified in its relative area or subject, as an expert on the matter in question whose methods may be employed to sustain an opinion.

At Ribas Secco, we are specialists (experts) in the fields of accounting, banking, tax and corporate matters, developing investigative (forensic) cases that present technical arguments in line with legal theses serving to assist the legal counsel in the formulation of his case argument.

Example areas where we elaborate the technical assessments to support legal counsel in the handling of claims are related to:

  • Bank credit operations (loans and financing)
  • Accountability (financial and accounting analyses, e.g., supplier’s contracts, corporate administration)
  • Infraction cases and Fine Levying in the administrative and / or judicial fields.

The prior issuance of a Technical Report addressing evidence that supports and justifies disputes, whether in administrative, judicial or arbitral proceedings, can serve as initial proof (evidence) and effectively assist the conduct of the matters being disputed.